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Dr. U. Amit.

A kind, sympathetic and an adept physician. I'm certain to offer his name to others in related needs.

Alan A.

Dr. Noh and his staff have always treated me with the greatest professionalism and expertise. The research I have done has shown me that Dr. Noh is thoroughly knowledgeable about methods and techniques. His advice and recommendations have always been correct.
To that expertise, Dr. Noh adds kindness and empathy.
Dr. Noh treats all of his patients as if they were his only patient. I noticed that the day my former urologist rushed me to Dr. Noh who was next door at the time.
Dr. Noh calmly assured me that what he saw was curable and that we would get through it.
Dr. Noh did not hurry, but explained thoroughly and carried out the exam as gently as possible. Dr. Noh communicated the seriousness of the situation without causing fear or stress. 
After the exam, Dr. Noh asked if my wife was in the waiting room. After what seemed like a long time, he came back and said that my wife was taking the news hard. I later learned that Dr. Noh had spent all that time explaining the possibilities and making sure that my wife understood that I was in no danger. In this way, he treated her as well.
Dr. Noh also made it clear that he would not be offended if I sought help and advice elsewhere. Everything was considered in the open, and, of course, Dr. Noh's advice was the best advice.
Dr. Noh is also a highly skilled surgeon. I went into the operating room with him 3 times. I don't know, and I don't want to know, how he removed that tumor. It seems impossible to me.
Dr. Noh's care has been just as good with this second issue I am having. He continues to make sure I understand the options and only proceeds with my consent. Through this difficult time, Dr. Noh has been sympathetic, empathetic and always encouraging, cheering me on through the treatment and recovery.
Throughout my experiences, Dr. Noh and his staff have shown kindness and understanding as well as a complete understanding of the medical issues involved and the treatments available. My wife and I are both deeply appreciative of the care I continue to receive.

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